Sunday, May 11, 2008

sumthing inside me

just feel a bit awkward tonite..dunno why it feels that way..rasa cam sumthing is missing from me..but i dunno what it is...i don't have any mood for tonite...maen dota pon cam takde perasaan je tadi..tapi yang peliknye, bole plak dapat godlike..hmm...

just thinking about what happens to me this couple of days...honestly speaking, aku taktau apa aku buat before this...rasa cam masa berlalu camtu je...adakah aku stress study? dunno la...adakah biler stress seseorang akan tiada perasaan? cam pelik je...i still wondering what is happening to me...

rasa skrg ni cam nak bawak je keter laju2...even sampai 250km/h...
rasa nak gi berjalan sorang2 dalam utp...sambil tengok bintang...
rasa cam nak menjerit sekuat hati...biarlah orang kata aku giler...
rasa nak pegi masjid...pastu tak tido semalaman kat situ...

argh...plz come back my missing pieces...

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