Friday, May 23, 2008

The mystery of Keychain...

Huh...sounds like a weird stuff isn't it? haha. No is just about a keychain..that i just gave to my friend yesterday.

A red one, fish-shaped...hope that person will take care of it...Bukan senang lor aku nak kasi orang laen hadiah or souvenir or sumthing...orang2 tertentu jah...haha :)

Yep, berborak with that person after more than 3 years tak borak is really best...sebab banyak bende boleh di cakapkan....tapi masa tak mengizinkan time bole lagi kot..(bole lagi kah? ko balik intern, aku dah grad..haha)

kinda excited these couple of days...walaupon ada 3 papers lagi worry...bak kata itek, just on paper je...haha

Papehal pon..gud luck have fun la sume...tak kire yang baru nak gi intern ataupon yang tengah berlambak lagi paper is just a flow of our life...kene lalui gak kan....huhu

ciow :D


Farhan Iqbal said...

cam penah nampak je keychain tu...

kire mende ni a ko duk borak memalam eh?


gl hf

Coolster said...

yes..ko pernah nampak this keychain..selalu kot..haha